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- GRAVEL | Ken-Mulch
GRAVEL Stop in today to pick up your Landscape Materials or Call to set up a delivery (502) 964-7222 Click for More Info #9's Click for More Info #57's Click for More Info DENSE GRADE Click for More Info #3's Click for More Info FINES Click for More Info OVERSIZE GRAVEL Click for More Info RIVER GRAVEL Click for More Info PEA GRAVEL Click for More Info MINI PEA GRAVEL
- September Suggestions | Landscape Materials | Ken-Mulch | Louisville
September Suggestions Now that we are near the end of the summer season, it is time to roll up your sleeves and get ready for this amazing weather we are about to have. September is all about renovating your lawn before winter, cutting back shrubs, dividing and transplanting perennials, bringing in houseplants and preparing your ground for late season planting. Renovating the Lawn Some of the worst times can be when you have no idea why your lawn looks so bad! This time of year is the perfect time to fix that. Here are a couple pointers to help rejuvenate your lawn. Dethatch: Dethatching the lawn will keep your lawn happy and healthy. Think of it as losing a little bit of weight during the winter, so you can be nice and skinny for the spring. Reseed: Reseeding your lawn in the fall has many benefits. Good seed-to-soil contact happens through natural moisture and frost that only occur in late fall and winter. It also repairs the wear and tear of a hot and dry summer. Top 3 Grass Seed for Fall KY-31 KY Bluegrass Creeping Red Fescue Fertilize: The fall is the most important time of year to fertilize your lawn. The reason why is because the morning dew is a natural moisture that helps the fertilizer absorb into your lawn. This process is essential for a bright green lawn for the spring. Cutting, Removing, Reusing for Fall Don't worry, this will be the last time this year that you will be cutting back any shrubs or plants! You will also need to divide and transplant your perennials! Shaping the Shrubs Shaping shrubs for the fall is like shaving before no-shave November . It will be the last time for a while that they will be trimmed so make sure they are nice and pretty! Before Trim After Trim Divide and Transplant Perennials Dividing and Transplanting your perennials can be a tricky task. Here are the three simple steps to ensure you do not kill and replant your beautiful perennials! Dig Them Up: It is essential that when you start this process that you do not kill the plant before dividing it or replanting it. When digging, try to not destroy the root system of the plant. Dig a wide enough area around the plant to make sure you do not damage the roots. Divide one, into many: Transplant: Transplant is just a fancy word for replanting! Enjoy your new perennials without even having to spend money! Dividing your perennials is the trickiest part. Once you have dug up your plant, shake the soil off of the roots, then start splitting the plant up. You can use a knife, shovel, or your hands. Try to keep the root system intact! Bring in those Houseplants! Most house plants will die if you don't bring them in on chilly September nights so make sure to bring in your colorful houseplants soon! If you see any plants that look like yours, BRING THEM INSIDE! Preparing Your Ground for Late Season Planting Preparing your soil for late season planting can be done in 3 simple steps: Till that ground up! Feed your soil! Water like you don't have a water bill! Till it up! Tilling your land is no fun task but by breaking up the soil, it will make planting easier, it will make your ground healthier, and it will allow new nutrients to integrate into the ground. Feed Your Soil! Feeding your soil is essential during the fall because of the natural moisture that the fall season brings. Using organic fertilizers like Okolona Mix, Pine Fines and/or Compost can be great for your soil during this time of year. Ken-Mulch Organic Fertilizer Pine Fines $50.95 per scoop Okolona Mix $42.95 per scoop Compost $38.95 per scoop Water! Water! Water! For some reason, people think that you can stop watering after the summer. This is wrong! You still need to water your soil and plants during the fall so that they can stay healthy!
- Mexican Beach Pebble | Ken-Mulch
Price: $693 per scoop Mexican Beach Pebble Coverage per Scoop: 40-50 sq ft Picked from some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, Mexican Beach Pebble is the finest and smoothest landscape rock.
- BLOG | Ken-Mulch
Lawn & Garden Blog What should you do about your lawn during a certain month? Confused about when is the right time of year to trim back those huge shrubs? Concerned about your favorite plants and flowers during the winter? Scroll down below to check out our Monthly To-Do list, Buyer's Advice, and How To videos for expert guidance to find the Landscape Material best suited for your home. If you cannot find what you are looking for, give us a call at 502-964-7222 and we will be glad to answer any questions you may have! Monthly To-Do JANUARY BLOG FEBRUARY BLOG MARCH BLOG APRIL BLOG MAY BLOG JUNE BLOG JULY BLOG AUGUST BLOG SEPTEMBER BLOG OCTOBER BLOG NOVEMBER BLOG DECEMBER BLOG
- PRODUCTS | Ken-Mulch
Products Ken-Mulch carries the largest selection of rocks, soils and mulches. From hardscapes to landscapes, Ken-Mulch offers a variety of materials to complete your landscape vision and help put the earth first. Landscape Rock Mulch/Soils Gravel Nursery Stock Hardscapes Tools/Equipment Garden Center Bagged Goods All products are available for delivery. For more information on deliveries, CALL KEN-MULCH TODAY (502) 964-7222
- Pea Gravel | Ken-Mulch
Price: $44.95 per scoop Pea Gravel Coverage per scoop: 80 sq ft 2" deep Scoop is 1/2 cu yd and approx. 1,460 lbs Pea Gravel is perfect for driveways, walkways, around fire pits and in landscaping. Its round shape makes it very smooth.
- April Blog | Ken-Mulch
April Anticipation! April is by far, one of the best months of the year. Not only does the weather start to change, but spring break is coming! Everyone needs a break. Some may be on the beach for this break, but others can be outside improving their landscape for the rest of the season. Pull Them Weeds Out Of Your Landscape! Once winter is FINALLY over, pull those weeds out as soon as you can! The earlier in the season that you can control your weed problems, the earlier your weed problems will go away! The proper way to get rid of weed problems is to remove the entire weed, including the roots out of the ground. After you are done pulling everything out of the ground, put down weed preventer. Preen Weed Preventer guarantees up to 3 months of weed free landscaping! Starting Spring Fertilizers Is your grass looking a little sad? Is the grass a little bit more brown than usual? Are your flowers looking like they need a boost? Maybe you should start using some fertilizer! The best time to start spring fertilizers is when the temperature starts to be consistently above 55 degrees. This allows the soil to dampen with enough moisture and allows the fertilizer to activate. Flower/Plant Fertilizers -Monty's Growth -Plant-Tone -Holly-Tone -Wide Range of Espoma Products Grass Fertilizers - GreenView Lawn Fertilizer - 10-10-10 Fertilizer - Lime - Gypsum Starting Your Garden April is the perfect time to start your gardens for the spring. With the warmer weather and rainfall coming, it is a great time to start planting and growing your spring time vegetables. If you plan on building vegetable boxes or if you need to put down some new soil, Ken-Mulch offers a perfect gardening soil called Okolona Mix. It is a combination of Topsoil, Sand, Compost and Pine Fines. Vegetables to Plant in Spring -Broccoli -Lettuce -Potatoes -Kale -Onions -Carrots -Beets -Spinach Time to Start Watering Again! Time to bring out the hoses and sprinklers and start watering again! Early spring watering benefits your lawn and plants.
- Natural Stone Hardscape | Ken-Mulch
Natural Stone Hardscapes For YOUR home project, a multitude of Natural Stone Hardscapes are available. Stop in today to view entire catalog of flagstone, pavers, retaining walls, patio stone, edging and many other products. Tennessee Sandstone Tennessee Grey Penn Blue KY Creek Rock Gold Quartz IN Flagstone
Landscape Rock Stop in today to pick up your Landscape Materials or Call to set up a delivery (502) 964-7222 Click for More Info MEXICAN BEACH PEBBLE Click for More Info ROYAL GORGE Click for More Info PEACH PEBBLES Click for More Info LARGE PEACH PEBBLES Click for More Info ALABAMA SUNSET Click for More Info CHOCO CHIPS Click for More Info BLACK LAVA Click for More Info RED LAVA Click for More Info MAYLEN BLACK Click for More Info SMALL TENNESSEE ROUNDS Click for More Info LARGE TENNESSEE ROUNDS Click for More Info ZEBRA ROCK Click for More Info SLATE Click for More Info ROSE GRANITE Click for More Info BRICK CHIPS Click for More Info MERAMAC Click for More Info KEN-MULCH Click for More Info MINI PEA GRAVEL Click for More Info PEA GRAVEL Click for More Info RIVER GRAVEL Click for More Info OVERSIZE GRAVEL
GARDEN CENTER Stop in today to pick up your Landscape Materials or Call to set up a delivery (502) 964-7222 Our Garden Center has all YOUR products to enhance your Lawn, Garden or Lawn. From Grass Seed to Fertilizers, our knowledgable staff is here to help you with your questions. Click for More Info GRASS SEED Click for More Info LANDSCAPE FABRIC Click for More Info CHEMICALS Click for More Info LANDSCAPE EDGING
- Chemicals | Ken-Mulch
CHEMICALS Stop in today or call with any questions regarding your Chemical needs. (502) 964-7222 Ken-Mulch is here for ALL your Lawn, Garden and Landscape needs. With a wide range of fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and pesticides, Ken-Mulch is YOUR location to beautify your lawn, garden and landscape. Ken-Mulch carries Fox Farm, Happy Frog, Organic, Hi-Yield, Monty's, Gro-Fine, Copperas, Scotts, Ortho, Miracle Gro, Ferti-Lome, Round-Up, Preen, Espoma and Burgess along with many others!
- CONTACT US | Ken-Mulch
CONTACT US Proud Member of the Better Business Bureau and the Louisville Independent Business Alliance. HOURS: Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Closed Saturday & Sunday Phone: (502) 964-7222 2708 Outer Loop Louisville, KY 40219 Email: kenmulch75@gmail.com Share your finished landscape projects with us via Facebook, Instagram or upload them below! Facebook: KenMulch1 Instagram: kenmulch We accept payment via card (Visa, American Express, MasterCard and Discover), Checks and Cash. Come see us today! Upload Photos Max File Size 15MB If you have any questions feel free to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks! Message sent. Send Give Us Your Feedback! Rate Us Poor Fair Good Very good Excellent Rate Us Send Feedback Thanks for submitting!