It's February!
February is the month not only to show love to your favorite people, it is also time to show some love to your plants as well! Soon enough we will be able to take off those cold winter jackets and enjoy those 65 and sunny days. Until then, here are some things you can do in the month of February for your landscaping.

Time to Prune Trees!
Pruning Trees can be difficult and annoying but it is essential for the health and growth of your tree. We are going to talk about how to trim simple trees and how to avoid making any mistakes.

The number one thing that you DO NOT want to do when pruning your tree is to top the tree.
Crossing branches, hanging limbs, branches that are close together, stubs, and sucker growth are all things that you need to get rid of before spring time to ensure a healthy tree.

Time to Order Seed!

It may not be time to order for some people, but it is at least a good time to start thinking about what kind of seed and plants you want to order for the spring.
Best Veggie Seeds for Early Spring
Swiss Chard
Salad Greens

Best Grass Seed for Early Spring
Falcon V (Best Overall)
KY-31 (Best for sun)
Contractors Mix (Best for Overall)
Creeping Red Fescue (Best for shade)